Assaulted Hits The Theaters

The Second Amendment movie, Assaulted: Civil Rights Under Fire, opened yesterday and will be showing in a number of theaters across the country. It has been reviewed by papers ranging from the Washington Post to the OC Weekly. The reviews range from your typical gun prohibitionist’s drivel in the Post to a rather thoughtful review in the OC Weekly.

Here are the reviews and the places where the movie will be playing.

Last night Assaulted: Civil Rights Under Fire opened in theaters across the country. We did it! Thanks to you. 
This week leading up to the release we have received a wide range of reviews:
The film will run all weekend at the following theaters: 
You can also check out these TUGG events or create your own: 

So take a couple of friends and enjoy the show.  
Finally, DVD and downloads will be ship/available in the fall. This delay is caused by the theatrical contract restriction of 90 days before the film can be released on DVD or VOD (video on demand). 

One thought on “Assaulted Hits The Theaters”

  1. Terrific film, highly recommended. I went after work yesterday in Alexandria, VA, with my wife. Only two other people in the theater, who came late and left 20-30 minutes early. Very sad there wasn't a better turnout.

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