Like Your Relatively Inexpensive Wolf Or Silver Bear Or Tula Ammo?

David Codrea has an interesting column up this morning in the National Gun Rights Examiner. Given that it is fairly obvious by now that Putin has sent Russian troops into Crimea which is part of Ukraine, what sort of response will the Obama Administration come up with short of sending troops?

How about doing something to screw US gun owners that would also hit the Russians in the pocket book? In other words, a win-win in their minds.

“I had a fellow tell me this morning that he was completely unconcerned about the Ukraine situation, believing that Obama would take the ‘Chamberlain way out’ of confrontation,” Mike Vanderboegh related this morning on his Sipsey Street Irregulars blog.

“No he won’t,” Vanderboegh replied, “he’ll take the Clinton way out — do nothing about the larger issue but he’ll cut off our access to Russian ammunition just like Clinton cut off our access to inexpensive Chinese ammo in the 90s, to ‘punish them for human rights violations.’”

With foreign imports growing to accommodate the already stretched supply of ammunition that has domestic manufacturers running operations around the clock, such a move would not only send an easy and immediate signal that would meet with “progressive” political and media approval, it would also continue with a long-established tactic of the “gun control” movement: punishing peaceable gun owners for something they are not responsible for.

Sure you can get 7.62×39 ammo from other countries including the US. However, checking the prices at and elsewhere, US made ammo will cost you 3-5 times as much while most non-Russian, non-US made 7.62×39 will still cost 2-3 times as much. The only exception is the Romanian made, Century International imported “Red Army” brand of ammo.

I’m not trying to start a run on ammo but think we need to be aware and consider what the Obama Administration might do in the Ukranian situation. I think David and Mike are on to something here.

2 thoughts on “Like Your Relatively Inexpensive Wolf Or Silver Bear Or Tula Ammo?”

  1. How do you start a run, in the middle of a stampede?

    NICS numbers may be heading closer to norm (some day), but ammo is still in demand. Not astronomically high demand…but still incredibly high demand.

  2. Is there any original source material indicating that the government is moving to halt these imports or is this just Mike V making a suggestion to the federal government on how to make like more difficult for gun owners?

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