Comment Of The Day

The comment of the day has nothing to do with the Indiana primary, Donald Trump, Ted Cruz, Bernie, or Hillary. You can rest easy now and read it.

Our longtime “friend” Ladd Everett of the Coalition to Stop Gun Violence (sic) was quoted in a New York Times article regarding the expansion of gun rights in the states and how some police object to it. He said, ““What is alarming to the police is that they have no power to ascertain the potential criminal background of an armed individual until a crime is committed, and by then it is too late.”

My friend Josh who is a gun rights activist in California had this comment on Facebook:

You can always count on Laddie to pull the Stasi card…

I think Ladd pines for the days when the Young Pioneers would have been reporting on the subversive activities of their parents to the Committee for State Security. Or in the East German context of Josh’s comment, the Ernst Thälmann Pioneer Organisation members reporting on Mutti und Vater to the Ministerium für Staatssicherheit.

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