The National Shooting Sports Foundation released their adjusted NICS checks numbers for July 2016. Let’s just say upfront that all the gun control talk coming from Democrats is having an impact. It’s just not the one they want.
From the NSSF Bullet Points:
The July 2016 NSSF-adjusted National Instant Criminal Background Check System (NICS) figure of 1,210,731 is an increase of 27.9 percent compared to the July 2015 NSSF-adjusted NICS figure of 946,528. For comparison, the unadjusted July 2016 FBI NICS figure of 2,187,190 reflects a 37.6 percent increase from the unadjusted FBI NICS figure of 1,589,462 in July 2015.
As you can see in the graphic below, July 2015 had been the highest on record as well and it just overwhelmingly eclipsed.
The next graphic shows the year over year results by month. For the last twelve months, the adjusted NICS checks numbers were greater than the same month in the prior year.
As always, NICS checks are not a perfect correlation with gun sales as many states use the NICS System for carry permit purposes and as a CCW is accepted in lieu of a NICS check in many states such as North Carolina and Texas.
Still and interesting set of graphs, obviously their agenda IS driving more guns to private hands.
Still and interesting set of graphs, obviously their agenda IS driving more guns to private hands.
Taken as a poll, it suggests that the gunnies are betting that Hillary will win the upcoming election.
Nice one. You people can take help from the MA Gun License to know what could be the doe's and don't s without harming others. You people can also go for guns if you are properly trained and licensed to have that killers without harming others.