What It Could Come To

We know our opponents hate us and our culture. Some of them go so far as to want us dead. We also know what happened to a disarmed people when those in power want them gone. Just ask the Jews and the Armenians.

I came across this patch on Instagram this morning and thought it was extremely powerful in its message. It comes from patch maker Violent Little Machine Shop. If you want one, you can find it here.

A photo posted by Violent Little Machine Shop (@violentlittle) on Aug 17, 2016 at 10:04pm PDT

Updated: The Instagram embed was giving some people problems so I changed it. The text that accompanied the original Instagram picture said:

violentlittleGo to your local office and “register” yourself and your family for your beliefs… No big deal they said… “Turn over your arms, the government will take care of you” they said… Get your flair at violentlittle.com. Thanks for the photo @never_out_tactical.

2 thoughts on “What It Could Come To”

  1. It's a helluva "morale" patch! I got a notice for that since I'm on their list… #GunHipster (?)

  2. This initiative seems pretty cool. All the guns are actually safety device so it any definitely help. Having guns doesn't solve problem but using it properly can help you to solve the problem. You can also go for other government policies to make things better.
    MA Gun License

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