Quote On The Gun Culture

I just finished re-reading John Ross’ Unintended Consequences for the third or fourth time. I came across this quote about the gun culture that really hit home.

We have a specific culture. Guns and shooting are very important to us, just like living
as nomads and hunting buffalo was important to the Indians. We are willing to work hard and have the
government confiscate half our money and use it for things we never get any benefit out of, if only we can
continue to buy our guns and our ammo and our components, and shoot a lot.

“Our culture is important, and we’re willing to pay for it. We have above -average educations, above –
average incomes, and almost nonexistent criminal involvement. We pay far more in taxes and receive
virtually no subsidy payments. You’d think Washington would be happy, but instead they are doing
everything they can to destroy our culture.

“Thomas Fleming” – attorney friend of “Henry Bowman”, p. 480

The soliloquy goes on but this is the meat of it. The only amendment that I’d make to his statement is to expand it to include more than just Washington and the Federal government. I’d add in the anti-civil rights billionaires like Bloomberg, Allen, and Gates who are protected by armed guards, the organizations they support with their wealth, and all the state and local politicians that have bought into their scheme to keep honest, hard-working citizens disarmed.

Copies of Unintended Consequences are very expensive on Amazon. While there are unauthorized PDFs of the book to be found on the Internet, I suggest contacting the publisher Accurate Press to see if they still have the paperback version available.

2 thoughts on “Quote On The Gun Culture”

  1. I read 'Unintended Consequences' for the first time two weeks ago when a shooting buddy loaned it to me. I had a big smile when I started reading about Ad Topperwein, I live in the Texas Hill Country town where Ad was born and grew up and I am a member of the Boerne Shooting Club, Topperwein's father was one of the founding members in 1864 and we are still going strong. I use four shooting ranges within 40 minutes of my house and there are at least that many more close by, our zip code has more FFLs than the city of Denver and there are two National NRA board members in our zip code.

    Our town has monthly Texas License to Carry classes offered by our Parks and Recreation and local 4-H clubs turn out hundreds of kids competing in skeet and trap competitions. To our way of thinking, that's the way the world should be. I enjoyed reading 'Unintended Consequences' and as soon as my wife finishes the book I will read it once more before returning it. As our local sheriff told me a year ago, "We will never take your guns, we will be standing side by side with you before anyone takes them."

    Those who have not read 'Unintended Consequences' try to buy or borrow a copy if you can, I literally stayed up most of the night for several days reading because it is hard to put the book down.

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