A reCAPTCHA For Virginia

We have all been on websites with pictures asking you to select the boxes with buses or stoplights or cars in order to prove you are not a bot. It is a system called reCAPTCHA. It was meant as an improvement over an earlier system that presented you with fuzzy numbers and letters which you had to type in.

Someone decided to create a new picture just for Virginia politicians and gun control advocates.

Flatlanders like Gov. Ralph Northam (D-VA) just don’t get it.

As someone who has lived in the Appalachians for the majority of my life, I can tell him that folks from Tazewell or Grundy or Wytheville are different from the rest of Virginians. They didn’t descend from the planter class and their families won’t be found in a list of the First Families of Virginia. Instead they are descended from the heavily Scots-Irish migrants who ended up there because they just wanted to be left the hell alone. They didn’t take kindly to being told what to do and they still don’t.

People in the mountains are a tolerant people until they are not. This is something the Virginia Democrats bought and paid for by Michael Bloomberg should keep in mind. I hope and pray that they do. Because if they don’t, all hell is going to break loose. And it won’t be pretty.

2 thoughts on “A reCAPTCHA For Virginia”

  1. My opinion is this is part of a larger strategy. I think they underestimated the response, but they are pressing forward. I find it interesting that armed patriots are gathering at the State Capitol on 20 January. They will undoubtedly out number the redcoats. Calls have been made to seize the occupants of the buildings. And do exactly what? I am concerned as there are multiple groups and no clear leader. Who is the voice of the Virginia Patriots?

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