Media Is Out Of Touch

If the following tweet posted yesterday evening by National Public Radio is accurate, the mainstream media is more out of touch than previously believed.

As “Mike” points out below in response to “Dayna”, the saying, the meme, the epithet, or whatever you want to call it of “Let’s Go Brandon” is everywhere. I get over 9 million hits on Google for that phrase. Moreover, the rapper Bryson Gray’s YouTube banned version of “Let’s Go Brandon” is the number one hit on Apple iTunes and has beat out Adele.

The number of breathless stories from the AP and other about the meme substituting for “F@$k Joe Biden” is hilarious. It is interesting that they have all appeared at virtually the same time. It is almost as if they have decided that reporting on us vulgar, unwashed conservatives, libertarians, and other non-Joe lovers being vulgar will distract from the reality of the abomination that is the Biden Administration and their policies.

Feel free to post your favorite Let’s Go Brandon meme in the comments. I have mine for sure.

5 thoughts on “Media Is Out Of Touch”

  1. It took the “Propaganda Committee at the Democratic Media” some time to come up with a response that didn’t outrage one or more of their mental case “supporters”. Now, they will probably have to do a follow up explaining what “F@$k” stands for.

  2. With “Let’s Go Brandon” being banned in certain places, I just ordered a Brandon Wheat Kings hockey jersey. “Let’s Go Wheat Kings!”.

    Can’t stop the signal, Mal.

  3. Funny how many of those currently outraged by these chants all seemed to think shouting F Trump at awards events and on the news was so stunning and brave just a few years ago.

  4. It’s not just the media, it’s about half the population. When you can’t agree on reality, you don’t have a country.

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