“Dear Employee” Letter From Wayne

I had speculated in late February about whether some moves on rental space in the NRA Headquarters might be seen as a predecessor move to selling the building. This was based upon the reaction of commercial real estate brokers in both Virginia and North Carolina.

The letter from Wayne LaPierre to NRA employees sent out today confirms my speculation regarding the sale of the NRA Headquarters Building.

From Wayne:

Dear Employees,

As you know, the NRA continuously pursues new business and strategic options in the interests of the Association and our members. Along these lines, we are going to explore the marketability and potential sale of our headquarters.

The NRA has long considered a move of its headquarters – and has been working to identify a new location that allows us to enhance our advocacy and national platform, recognize operational efficiencies, and become an even stronger organization. Assuming we find such a location and favorable opportunity to sell the HQ, we will present such plans to the Board of Directors for approval. I want you to be aware of these ongoing developments.

Naturally, there will be no impacts to our staffing, our programs, or our Second Amendment advocacy as we explore this opportunity and many others. We remain committed to the fight for freedom.

Thank you for your support of our mission.



On the plus side for the NRA is that they bought the building years ago at a fire-sale price. On the downside, with rising interest rates, a move towards “work from home, and many newer, updated buildings in the Northern Virginia inventory, it is a buyer’s market.

There is a reason the headquarters of the NRA has traditionally been in the Washington, DC metro area. It is the seat of government and the NRA, like many other organizations, wanted to be close to that. When there was an effort to relocate the NRA out West, it led to the Cincinnati Revolt. Unfortunately, the rules in place at that time have been changed so drastically, that another such revolt – an Indy Revolt, if you will – can never again happen.

8 thoughts on ““Dear Employee” Letter From Wayne”

  1. Thereby removing one of the best indoor ranges in the area and destroying many youth programs that need a range.

    1. From what I understand, ILA has offices both in HQ and in Washington, DC proper.

      1. Yes, they have an office on the Hill for their federal staff. The state folks, when not on travel, worked out of Fairfax.

    1. That is a very good question. It might go to Springfield to be joined with the other museum.

    1. From what I’ve heard from the former Senior Curator who was let go during COVID, he suspects exactly that is happening.

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