I won’t be able to do much in the way of posting about the Gun Rights Policy Conference today due to work and teaching tonight. However, I wanted to post some links to stories and posts about the conference.
USAToday had a story on the conference which featured a picture of Miguel of the GunFreeZone blog wearing his Gunwalker T-shirt and holding up the SAF’s Keep Calm and Carry poster. I’m still looking for the video from a local Orlando TV station that featured the backs of my and Miguel’s heads. Still, a picture in USAToday definitely trumps that!
Kenn Blanchard has video up of Emily Miller’s speech at the conference which can be seen here. It presents a much more accurate picture than that of a certain so-called gun blogger who was responsible for the Gun Blog Black List being formed. I refuse to link to him but I’m sure you can find it by using Google as he is the master of search engine optimization (SEO).
Robb Allen whom I got to meet for the first time has a series of posts up on the conference including this one.
Here is Joe Huffman’s take on the first day of the GRPC. It was a pleasure to finally meet Joe.
The now famous Miguel has a number of posts up on the conference and they can be found here, here, and here.
Congratulations to Sean Caranna of Florida Carry and the blog All Nine Yars for being named a Defender of Liberty award recipient by the SAF.
Derek Ward, the author of Zombie Strike and a gun blogger, was at the conference. I enjoyed meeting Derek and he has a number of posts on GRPC up on his blog.
All in all it was a good conference and I’ll be posting more on it through out the week.