Darrell Issa Puts Eric Holder On The Hot Seat

Unfortunately, I didn’t get to watch the live feed from the House Judiciary Committee hearings this morning. From the video just put up by CBS News, it looks like there were some fireworks!

In the prepared statement submitted to the Committee
, Holder made no mention of Operation Fast and Furious and only brief mention of anything to due with the border with Mexico.

Over the last year the Department has continued to aggressively combat violence along our country’s Southwest border. We have dedicated significant anpower resources towards working with our Mexican government counterparts to ssist their crime-fighting capacity, and prosecute the cartel members whose drug trade is the root cause of violence in that region.

With regard to firearms, he made only one brief mention and it was only in the context of protecting law enforcement officers.

At the same time, we must work to prevent gun crimes before they occur. I am committed to strengthening systems that prevent individuals who are legally prohibited from possessing firearms from obtaining weapons. This is a critical public safety goal we can achieve without infringing on the rights of lawful gun owners.

If the Judiciary Committee releases a transcript of the hearings, I will post relevant excerpts as they pertain to firearms and Project Gunwalker.

UPDATE: A less edited version of Issa grilling Eric Holder can be found on YouTube. Unfortunately, embedding has been disabled so you will have to watch it here.

UPDATE II: Here is a hot link to Mike Vanderboegh’s report along with reactions from ATF agents to Holders testimony today.

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