Quote Of The Day

The quote of the day comes from Jim Shepherd of The Outdoor Wire. As I noted a while back, Dan Richards, President of the California Fish and Game Commission, is the target of a jihad by Humane Society US for his successful mountain lion hunt in Idaho. Now they have gotten 40 Democrats in the State Assembly to join in their call for his resignation.

Forty legislators (all Democrats) have sent Walters a letter telling him he should resign. The letter says “Your actions raise serious questions about whether you respect the laws of the people of California, and whether you are fit to adequately enforce those laws.”

Seriously, guys, are you serious? This is the same gang of legislators that has effectively run California’s finances into the ground while passing enough dopey feel-good, eyewash legislation to keep succeeding legislators (and litigators) busy for the next millennium trying to restore some sort of fiscal sanity.

The photo that started a firestorm. Courtesy Western Outdoor News.
But Richards’ trip to another Idaho has, as they say, “offended the sensibilities” of these forty moral stackpoles of the people.

Remember, the hunt was completely legal.

I’m certain they’ve also called for the resignation of all the members of the State Assembly who have ever traveled to Las Vegas or Reno to go gambling (or gamboling with the occasional lady or gentleman of the evening). Not to mention the legislator who said she had a brain tumor that made her shoplift, or the Lieutenant Governor who had a little error in his personal moral compass.

If the same standard of scrutiny this gang of 40 moral compasses applied to Richards, a guy who went hunting-legally, were applied to the all government officials, the Assembly of California (and most others) would dismiss for the lack of a quorum (not to be confused with a Quram – we wouldn’t want to offend anyone).

What is that old saying about people in glass houses and rock…

One thought on “Quote Of The Day”

  1. "Your actions raise serious questions about whether you respect the laws of the people of California, and whether you are fit to adequately enforce those laws."

    I suppose that the idea that if he doesn't respect the laws of California he would have killed the damn cat IN California has never entered the minds of the protestors.


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