The National Shooting Sports Foundation released their adjusted NICS check numbers for the month of December and they are almost off the charts.
Above is the graph of the NSSF-adjusted NICS checks for the last 13 Decembers. The only decrease over the previous since Obama was first elected is December 2009. That probably was reflective of the surge the prior year.
Here are the numbers as reported by NSSF:
The December 2012 NSSF-adjusted National Instant Criminal Background Check System (NICS) figure of 2,237,731 is an increase of 58.6 percent over the NSSF-adjusted NICS figure of 1,410,937
in December 2011. For comparison, the unadjusted December 2012 NICS
figure of 2,776,105 reflects a 49.7 percent increase from the unadjusted
NICS figure of 1,854,400 in December 2011.
December 2012 also marked the 31st straight month with increases over the same month in the prior year.
It is important to note that NICS checks are not a perfect correlation with gun sales. States such Iowa, Michigan, and Kentucky use the NICS system for background checks on both new and existing concealed carry permits. Moreover, in a number of states such as North Carolina, a concealed carry permit is accepted in lieu of running the NICS check.
For the entire year 2012, adjusted NICS checks were up 27.7% over 2011.
So… "Ballpark" somewhere between 2-3 million guns in the last two months…
At least.
correct ….you can buy multiple firearms on on check….and many do
And yet, these numbers will fall on deaf ears, I'm afraid.
It could be that 90% of all Americans went out and bought a Sport Utility Rifle last week and the bozos who fancy themselves in charge would try to ban them anyway.
If each of those people who bought a gun in a panic called their congresscritters, we might get some traction. Get your friends and family calling folks.
Iowa also allows purchases without NICS checks with a permit. I do a lot of transfers and very rarely have to call in. I even tell them that even just a permit to purchase will speed up the process.
Not only does Nevada now waive NICS with permits issued since July '11, there's been an explosion in new gun shops in Vegas to do the selling over the past few years.
"ITS OVER 9000!"