Sometime last year (or maybe the year before), Breda of Breda Fallacy fame made the statement that blogs are dead. While I disagree with this statement, it did get me to thinking of other ways to help influence the gun rights debate through the use of “new media”.
Noticing how much time the Complementary Spouse and her friends were spending on Pinterest, I set up my own Pinterest account. I set up boards for other interests like fountain pens, fly fishing, knives, bushcrafting, prepping, cool watches, and cabins as well as boards for pictures of firearms, gun rights, reloading benches, and camo painted guns. While I haven’t quite quantified it, the most popular boards in terms of follows and repins seem to be the pictures of firearms and the painted guns. This is OK because it still helps get the word out that firearms are OK. You can see my page and all of my various boards here.
Likewise I came across Tumblr and set up a page there. I am also using it to promote gun rights. When I see a story or video that seems appropriate, I’ll post it there. I know others use Tumblr more than I do but I’m still learning it. I’m not as active on Tumblr as on Pinterest but it is still an outlet. You can find my Tumblr page or blog here.
Finally, and most importantly, I am now officially a co-host on the Polite Society Podcast. This is the podcast formerly known as the Politics and Guns Podcast with Paul Lathrop. It records on Wednesday and Saturday evenings. The podcasts are available at the show’s page (above) or on iTunes (look under the old name, Politics and Guns Podcast). They also are available on YouTube on the pocast’s channel. The podcast also has a Facebook page where news reports and examples of defensive gun uses (DGUs) are posted.
Podcasting is new to me. It always feels weird to hear my own voice because it sounds different from the way I hear myself but I’ll get used to it. I am still learning quite a bit on how it all comes together. I know there is a way to listen to the show live but I don’t have the details yet. When I find that out, I’ll post it here. In the meantime, if you have a news item that you think would be appropriate for the podcast, feel free to share it with me or to post it on the podcast’s Facebook page. I know I’ll have an “official” podcast email address but I’m not sure what it will be. When I do, I’ll post it.
You know the mechanics of why you sound different to yourself? it's because when you're speaking, you're hearing yourself from two sources; your ears and the vibration of your vocal chords. When you hear a recording of yourself, you only hear yourself from the 'ear' perspective!
And congratulations!
Plus the vibrations through the bones in your head/jaw. And thanks.