You Can’t Make This Sh@% Up

It seems that the Demanding Moms for Illegal Mayors got a little ahead of themselves here and had to delete the tweet below.

Mass shooting? Nice dumbing down of a terrorist attack there, Shannon.

I guess if France had universal background checks then these ISIS terrorists couldn’t have obtained their full-auto AK-47s. Oh, wait, you have to have a firearms license which includes a psychological examination, criminal background check, and a defined purpose for having a firearm before you can even possess a firearm.

Those full-auto AKs? Illegal for civilians to possess. I guess terrorists don’t play by the rules. Funny how that works.

9 thoughts on “You Can’t Make This Sh@% Up”

  1. I'm not surprised. Of course I can't tweet to the Moms Demand bunch – Shannon blocked me a lont time ago. Don't let facts get in the way of your agenda, Moms.

  2. Nothing surprises me from their ilk… To believe what they believe, you have to be so incredibly disconnected from reality and sound logic that I am amazed they can tie their own shoes.

  3. They didn't even wait for them to hit the ground before they started dancing in it. And it shows just how out of touch these people really are. I wonder how much longer Bloomberg is going to funnel why to them before he decides they are a waste of time.

  4. They don't even see (well, they probably do and don't care) the logical incoherence. If it was a "mass shooting" then, by definition, their argument that "those don't happen in 'developed countries'" is false.

  5. They don't even see (well, they probably do and don't care) the logical incoherence. If it was a "mass shooting" then, by definition, their argument that "those don't happen in 'developed countries'" is false.

  6. Frankly, I think Shannon is just the circus. Bloomberg pays her to say stupid things in the hope of distracting gun owners with a convenient straw man, while most of his gun control money is going toward hiring signature gatherers, lawyers to draft legislation, and external witnesses to testify in favor of those new laws.

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