I and others get regular emails from what I call “Sandy Hook Truthers”. They assert a number of things including that the whole thing was a hoax. A recent Hillary Clinton fundraising email is in the same league as the Truthers.
As reported by the Daily Caller, the email is headlined, “The differences between Senator Sanders and me.” It goes on to assert that SHE is the only one standing with the Sandy Hook families because SHE voted against the Protection for Legal Commerce in Arms Act of 2005.
In 2007, Senator Ted Kennedy made a valiant effort to pass immigration reform — I stood with him and voted for that bill. Senator Sanders voted against it.
This week, families from Sandy Hook are in court suing the manufacturer of the gun that killed their children, challenging the law that gives gun-makers legal immunity. I voted against that law. Senator Sanders voted for it.
The bill passed the Senate in a 65-31 vote and the House in a 283-144 vote. Bernie Sanders (I-VT) was in the House of Representatives then as the sole representative from the state of Vermont. He along with 59 Democrats voted for passage of the PLCAA. Only four Republicans voted against it including, believe it or not, then-Rep. Ron Paul (R-TX).
What Hillary Clinton should be railing against are scum-dog ambulance chasing lawyers who are preying on the emotions of the families of the dead children of Sandy Hook. The manufacturer of the stolen AR-15 is no more responsible for the deaths of those children than you or I. That doesn’t stop the ambulance chasing lawyer from dreaming of a big payday along with big headlines.
Likewise, when it comes to presidential politics and the chance to scarf up money and votes, everything is on the table for Hillary. If it puts her in the same league as the Truthers, so what. They deny the event happened and she is saying that Bernie stands in the way of “justice” for those poor families. Whether she believes what she says is true or not is irrelevant. Money and votes – not the families of Sandy Hook – is what she cares about.
Mr Richardson,
I have been reading your blog for a few years now and find it very interesting.
I agree completely with the above post, with the exception of one word.
While the lawyer(s) representing the families in the above case is/are complete and total asshole(s) for multiple reasons, I do not think using racist slurs against them was your intent, or warranted.
Shyster is a racist slur used specifically against Jewish lawyers. I would be very grateful if you removed the word.
Mr Richardson,
I have been reading your blog for a few years now and find it very interesting.
I agree completely with the above post, with the exception of one word.
While the lawyer(s) representing the families in the above case is/are complete and total asshole(s) for multiple reasons, I do not think using racist slurs against them was your intent, or warranted.
Shyster is a racist slur used specifically against Jewish lawyers. I would be very grateful if you removed the word.
I removed "shyster". I did not consider it as referring specifically to Jewish lawyers but if others might think that, it's gone. To me it meant those lawyers who skate the edge of the law in order to make a buck.
The definitions for "shyster" that I find do not mention the religion of the person but rather their ethics as in unscrupulous, unethical, etc.
Is 'Shyster' Anti-Semitic? http://www.newyorklawjournal.com/id=900005387204/Is-Shyster-AntiSemitic?slreturn=20160125134603 I'm sick of PCBS.
Wikipedia says no as well, though that doesn't mean it is not commonly in (mis)use as an anti-jewish slur. /shrug
Mr Richardson, I am clearly in the wrong. Please accept my apologies for the error and inconvenience.
To the others: thank you for pointing out my mistake.
Gary, I don't appreciate the "PCBS" comment. There are things that should not be said in polite society, racial slurs are some of them.
I believe that in the gun world it is especially important to be polite due to those who would portray us as uncouth thugs.
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