2020 NRA Meeting Of Members

The NRA Meeting of Members is an organizational requirement and was to have been held in Nashville in April. Like so many meeting during the pandemic, it had to be postponed. It appears that it is now scheduled for Saturday, September 5th, in Springfield, Missouri.

There has been no official announcement but an announcement from the NRA Whittington Center regarding their Board of Trustees Fall Meeting spilled the beans.

This is Labor Day Weekend so one might hope that it would drive attendance. The NRA Board Fall Meeting will be on Labor Day itself.

There is no word on where exactly the meeting will be held but it appears that Springfield has plenty of meeting facilities. It is also home to the NRA Sporting Arms Museum at the “mother church” of Bass Pro Shops.

So if you want to get your kicks on Route 66, Springfield is the place to be this coming Labor Day weekend. As a bonus, the hotels appear to be quite reasonable.

2 thoughts on “2020 NRA Meeting Of Members”

  1. That is also the opening weekend of dove season in Texas which is a big damn deal for Texans our group always has about two dozen guns in the field and we have been doing that for over 28 years. I wonder how many others in various states have shooting plans for that weekend?

    1. It is opening weekend for dove season in most of the South. I know it is for NC.

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