National Bourbon Day 2024

In addition to being Flag Day, it is National Bourbon Day. A day in which we celebrate America’s native spirit.

When it comes to whiskey, bourbon is my go to choice. There are times I wish I liked the Scottish single malts after listening to a podcast like WhiskyCast, they just don’t do it for me. I do like rye, Irish, and Canadian whiskies but not as much as bourbon.

I am what you might call an accumulator as opposed to a collector. If I see an interesting bottle of bourbon while traveling, I’ll probably pick it up.

Thus, as you can see in the picture below, I have a couple of bottles of bourbon from Texas that I picked up in Dallas while attending the DSC Convention and a couple of bottles from Kentucky bought when visiting relatives. As an aside, both the Ironroot Harbinger and the New Riff Single Barrel are store picks.

I am going to crack open one of these tonight. If I had to say which one right now, it will probably be the Still Austin BIB Red Corn Bourbon.

My dram tonight will be a two-fer. One to celebrate the SCOTUS win on bump stocks in Garland v. Cargill and the other to celebrate our “native spirit”.

One thought on “National Bourbon Day 2024”

  1. Agreed on single-malt, etc. As an old guy my learning of staying with what works and refining that, applies.
    I was happily surprised with an ancient distillery providing Chicken Cock. Quite good; can’t have too many options.
    Best to you and yours.

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