That Horse Has Already Left The Barn

Both the NRA and the New York Attorney General’s Office have submitted their proposals for a final judgment in the New York case on Friday. They both make for interesting reading. I will deal with the substance of both in future posts. However, for now, there was something in the NRA’s memorandum for their Post-Trial Submission & Final Judgement Proposals and the accompanying exhibits that really caught my eye. It dealt with candidates for the Board of Directors and how they are selected.

From the memorandum signed by Sarah Rogers of Brewer, Attorneys and Counselors, on page 9 of the document:

Gathering input from Board members and stakeholders this summer, the NRA repeatedly
and consistently heard the following concerns:

  • The NRA must retain an “immune system” against hostile candidacies by
    adverse advocacy groups, who have boasted of attempts to infiltrate or
    hijack the NRA in the past
  • There must be a mechanism to recruit and prioritize potential directors with
    desirable skills or backgrounds; and
  • There must be a way to limit the total number of candidates on the printed
    ballot, for logistical reasons.
    Rogers Aff. Ex. A at ¶ 9. Accordingly, the NRA cannot simply agree to nominate any five year life member who applies—a framework that could result in millions of candidacies.

And then in Exhibit A which is the Affidavit from NRA President Bob Barr in Item 9 on page 2 there is this:

  1. As it gathered input, the SLC repeatedly heard the following concerns regarding
    the director nomination process:
    ” That the NRA must retain an “immune system” against candidacies promoted by
    adverse advocacy groups, who have boasted of attempts to infiltrate or hijack the
    NRA in the past;

    ” That there must be a mechanism to recruit and prioritize potential directors with
    desirable skills or backgrounds; and
    ” That there must be a way to limit the total number of candidates on the printed
    ballot, for logistical reasons.

Talk about not seeing the forest for the trees!

Barr, the Special Litigation Committee, and the cabal are worried that some anti-gun billionaire like a Bloomberg or a Soros is going to come in, buy a boatload of life memberships for their supporters, and then recruit anti-gun candidates who are 5-year life members to do their dirty work. Instead of being paranoid about some hypothetical infiltration by gun prohibitionists, why not recognize the real source of the damage being done even now to the NRA?

It is Bill Brewer and his cohorts who have sucked the liquidity out of the NRA’s finances with their overpriced (and ineffective) legal “advice”. The same Bill Brewer who has donated to Kamala Harris in January and has donated to Hillary Clinton, Beto O’Rourke, and tons of other anti-gun Democrats. The same Bill Brewer who convinced the Special Litigation Committee that it would be “brilliant” for the NRA to file for bankruptcy so it could avoid the New York courts.

The damage done to the NRA by Brewer is incalculable yet the cabal in their paranoia is more worried about some hypothetical infiltration of the NRA by “adverse interest groups.” If you ever wondered why the NRA has lost almost two million members, you are seeing the reason why. The inmates were running the asylum so to speak and that needs to change.

The only immunity that the cabal really seeks is to avoid being tossed from office. Their actions have guaranteed that they will be tossed on to the ash heap of history and remembered solely for their role in helping to run the NRA into the ground.

One thought on “That Horse Has Already Left The Barn”

  1. It’s obvious that the “adverse” groups they’re worried about are NRA reformers who are devoted to the mission, and are hostile to the mismanagement of current leadership.

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