NRA Petition Candidates Round-Up (Updated)

Last minute note: The top three listed – Babaz, Brown, and Lee – may not have enough to make on the ballot. If you can get a petition to them directly by Monday, it may help put them over the top.

I received a suggestion from Stephen Wenger of the Defensive Use of Firearms digest that it would be helpful to put links to all the petition candidates in one post. I quite agree.

His second suggestion was to remind readers that if they are signing multiple petitions, it would easier and cheaper to send them all to Rocky Marshall. He is right!

An important note – Rocky needs to get them by September 30th so they can be sent to the individual candidates. Under the NRA’s antiquated rules, petitions can only be submitted to the NRA by the candidate and no one else. The NRA’s deadline to have them delivered to the Office of the Secretary is October 8th.

That address is Frontier Truck Gear, Attn Rocky Marshall, PO Box 277, Center Point, TX 78010.

Here are the links in no particular order:

Paul Babaz

Charlie Brown

Willes Lee

Jim Porter

Frank Tait

Scott Emslie

Todd Figard

Howard Massingill

Jonathan Goldstein

Jim Sheckels

Jason Wilson

Todd Vandermyde

Theresa Inacker

And finally, there is me (John Richardson). I am still running for the Board by petition.

Time is getting critical as we have only about two weeks to finish gathering petitions. If you have a club meeting in the next week or so, print out some or all of the petitions and ask voting members to sign. If you have a shooting competition this next weekend, do likewise. If you have a gun show next weekend, consider taking petitions with you and asking people to sign.

The key thing to remember is that you are doing this for the future of the NRA. All of us above are just your tools to effect change. As someone told me in an email when he sought to have friends at the range sign my petition, they all expressed disappointment in the NRA and were waiting to see change before they could be bothered to sign my petition.

We are all disappointed but if we keep waiting for change before acting, it will never get done. You, I, and everyone else needs to act now!

21 thoughts on “NRA Petition Candidates Round-Up (Updated)”

    1. It had me shaking my head as well.

      The other comment I’ve heard indicates the cabal holds more sway than it should. Someone had signed a handful of petitions and then later asked that they not be submitted because they’d be outed for supporting the reformers.

      1. I will definitely vote for the person not pissing the money away on thier own fulfillment. I’m shocked that Pierre is only in it for Pierre. Can’t tell you the grief this causes. If we dont stick together for the good of all legal gun owners, the Democrats will make it impossible to be a responsible gun owner. Then I’ll be forced to become a scofflaw.

    2. You’re too generous.
      That response was completely retarded. I’ve been a life member for 20+ years. The cancer in the board will not fix itself. Waiting for change is useless. Best of luck to you.

  1. I absolutely agree that major changes need to be made to the NRA. I received your communication through Gunsite, however, I’m not exactly sure what you want of me. Please do include me in future emails and actions.

    1. Jim – Download all the petitions if you are a NRA voting member, sign them, and return to Rocky Marshall at the address given.

  2. Got say this. I jumped for joy when Wayne took a dive. Many years ago, I believed the board was asleep at the wheel. I viewed LTC North as an asset. Yet for whatever reason, he was gone. Explain that, as I wrote to the NRA about that and no response. Called a couple of times placed on hold. 30 minutes at one point. When I became a Life Member. I received all kinds of marketing, and when I agreed to trust my collection. Calls for money increased and I quit the notion of a trust. I’ve attended local meetings, and events asked questions. Got the I’ll get back to you line. Your bottom-line needs to be Integrity, member services. Your IRS 990 looks like the good old boys’ club. Your publication could be on newsprint, online. I could never understand why you didn’t downsize and move before now. There are millions of square feet available is less costly areas.

    In closing I believe Oliver North had integrity and would have overseen reform prior to now. I still believe Lapierre and Cox should be in jail. Money is cheap, Freedom is priceless. And isn’t that what the NRA is about?

    1. Ollie did and does have integrity. Unlike most past presidents, he looked at the job as being more than ceremonial and he tried to be active in the running of the NRA. That was a threat to a grifter like Wayne and his cronies so Ollie had to go. Wayne controlled the board and not the other way around as it should have been.

      Thus, Wayne got the Nominating Committee to refuse to re-nominate Ollie as president. Then because Ollie went public with the issues on spending and the hiring of Bill Brewer, he got sued in New York as they tried to toss him off the Board when Ollie refused to resign.

      I have to agree with the rest of what you said.

  3. I am surprised that the petitions could not have been in one consistent format. A fillable .pdf form would have made it immensely easier for the same NRA members to fill out and sign multiple petitions.

    1. I would go a step further and ask why we can’t sign them electronically. If you can sign a home mortgage or transfer an IRA using something like Docusign, why not these petitions? When I was a still working as a financial advisor, it became the preferred method.

  4. I am a disgusted Life Member (1976) and support change with in NRA ‘s leadership and operations. LaPerre is gone and his cronies need to go as well.The NRA has lost membership and respect. I no longer donate to the NRA and will not until something changes. I am signing the petitions as well in the hope some change will be made.

  5. Once again, will all due respect to Mr. Richardson, your backing of Willis Lee and Jim Porter is not only questionable but is ill served because if you knew their involvement in corruption at the NRA no sane, rational person would want them anywhere near the NRA.

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