Frank Tait is gathering signatures to be a petition candidate for the NRA Board of Directors. He is at 94% of the amount needed and is down to gathering the last 50 petition signatures to get above the “Margin of Wayne”.
If you are a voting member of the NRA, you are eligible to sign his petition. A voting member is any one of the various classes of life members and any annual member with five continuous years plus of membership. Any break in your annual membership and the clock restarts.
Frank alone won’t be able to change the mindless direction of the Board if elected. You know it, I know it, and he knows it. However, it would give him legal standing to intervene in the NY Attorney General’s dissolution lawsuit as it has Rocky Marshall.
As Frank’s note below makes clear, time is of the essence. He needs those signatures now.
Many thanks to the Montgomery County Federation of Sportsmens Clubs Trapshooting League and the members of Lower Providence Rod and Gun Club for their signatures. Over 240 signatures have come in from social media contacts. This brings me to 94% of my target with 1 week to go. I need 50 more signatures to get to my target.
I need your help to get over the top and beyond the “Margin of Wayne” Last year, I had almost 300 signatures disqualified for various reasons and was not on the ballot. As a write-in – I only got a few thousand votes – on the ballot in 2020, I got over 55,000 votes. If I got that total in 2021, I would be on the board now working for reform.
The petition is here:
The NRA requires “wet” signatures, so you have to print out the petition and physically mail me the petitions.
Mail to: Frank Tait, 425 W. Wayne Ave. Wayne PA 19087
I have to submit the signatures to the NRA no later than November 16. Please mail any completed petitions to me no later than November 10.
I ask that anyone interested in getting a reformer on the NRA Board print out the petition and legibly fill out the information. If you don’t know your NRA member number, I can get it from the membership office if I can read your name and address.
We need a person like Frank on the ballot. As I noted when I published the list of official nominees, it is full of “Friends of Wayne”. There is not one damn person on that list who will challenge the status quo. The Nominations Committee made sure of that. They are worse than the captain of the Titanic who ordered full speed ahead in iceberg-laden waters. At least, Capt. Edward Smith realized he was in trouble after they hit the iceberg. I can’t say the same for the Nominations Committee or the majority of the Board.