The Battle Of The Retro XM177E2s – Troy V. Brownells

Tim at the Military Arms Channel looks at the XM177E2 retro clones in this video. Both Troy and Brownells make retro versions of the Colt Commando aka CAR-15. Given my interest in retro (or retro looking) ARs, I thought this was interesting.

2 thoughts on “The Battle Of The Retro XM177E2s – Troy V. Brownells”

  1. To date Brownell's or any of its affiliates have hired anyone involved with either Ruby Ridge or Waco; placing them head and shoulders above Troy in any debate of which one to buy.

    Troy's did it not once, but twice and although one of them was let go promptly, the other apparently remains employed with them and Troy's can't even summon more than a "we're sorry you're offended but… no we're not."

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